Exploring Sterling Volunteer Rescue Squad

Application Process

Sterling Volunteer Rescue Squad is excited to have you learn more about our application process. Read more to find out why our process takes 2-3 months and what you need to do to start your new adventure with Sterling Volunteer Rescue Squad!

Why Does The application process take a minimum of 2-3 months and may be longer in some cases?

There are several steps that are performed sequentially, including a background check and a comprehensive physical exam. Steps like the physical exam may take a number of weeks to schedule, and up to two weeks to process the results. The final step, approval by the Sterling Volunteer Rescue Squad Board of Directors, occurs at a monthly meeting. Please anticipate this timeframe. If there are issues with your application, our Membership team will contact you.

Group of members infront of apparatus
Group of bike members

The major steps in the application process are:

Once all requirements are completed, your application package will be forwarded to the Sterling Rescue Board of Directors, who will review and approve/disapprove your membership.