Exploring Sterling Volunteer Rescue Squad

Loudoun Cares – 2018 Award Ceremony

Chief Al Pacifico, Deputy Chief Stewart McLaren, and SVRS President Sam Neglia at the Loudoun Cares Awards.

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On the evening of 27 April 2018, Loudoun Cares, an organization dedicated to building a strong Loudoun County community that ensures life-sustaining and life-enriching resources for every resident, recognized 13 volunteers in the community for their selfless acts of service. One of the recipients was Sterling Rescue Deputy Chief Stewart McLaren, who was recognized for his dedication to the community through patient care and his work in ensuring our transport units are all properly equipped. The officers and members of Sterling Rescue congratulate Deputy Chief McLaren and all of the recipients on their awards and thank them for their service to the community.

Image: Chief Al Pacifico, Deputy Chief Stewart McLaren, and SVRS President Sam Neglia at the Loudoun Cares Awards.

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