Exploring Sterling Volunteer Rescue Squad

Spring/Summer 2017 Fire and EMS Graduation

Group shot of the graduates

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On 22 August 2017, Loudoun County Fire and Rescue (LCFR) conducted a graduation ceremony for the Spring and Summer 2017 Fire and EMS classes. As usual, Sterling Rescue was well represented and congratulates its members on their graduation night.

Graduates from the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) spring and summer classes included Mana Baghai Anaraki, Yvette Arias, Yi Chang, David Lazorchak, Corrine Pacifico, and Sahithi Vemula.

Graduating from the EMT Intermediate (Medic) class were Corey Cooley, Michael Medwedeff, and Jacob Sweeney.

In addition, Sterling Rescue had several members graduate from the Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) Monroe Technical Center (MTC) EMT course. The EMT course at MTC is a joint venture between LCPS and LCFR, providing Fire and EMS courses to high school students. Students completing the program also received college credit from Northern Virginia Community College via a duel enrollment program. Graduating from the 2016/2017 program were Malia Hunt, Daria Morris, Sarah Neezam, and Valeria Rojas.

We congratulate our members on their achievements and wish them well as they continue to serve the community.

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