Exploring Sterling Volunteer Rescue Squad

A Huge Thanks to Falcon’s Landing!

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On June 12, 2022 residents of the Falcons Landing Life Plan Community presented the Sterling Volunteer Rescue Squad and the Sterling Volunteer Fire Company with a donation of over $84,000.

Falcons Landing is a senior living community of retired military officers, honorably discharged officers from all branches of service, and federal employees GS-14 and higher or equivalent, their spouses and surviving spouses. Each year, Falcons Landing holds an internal fund drive to gather donations for Sterling Rescue and Sterling Fire. This year, Resident Council Chair Tom Moore presented Sterling Rescue Chief Kathy Harasek with their generous donation at an Ice Cream Social that also featured tours of a Sterling Rescue ambulance and Advanced Life Support Chase Vehicle.

Sterling Rescue greatly appreciates this donation. We are honored to support this community, whose members have selflessly served our Country in military and federal civilian roles.

Sterling Rescue uses these donations to purchase state-of-the-art equipment and enhance our ability to support our community.

Thank you Falcons Landing, for your continued support of Sterling Rescue. We look forward to continuing this great relationship and supporting you in the future.

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