Exploring Sterling Volunteer Rescue Squad

Want to See the Fire Pole? New Rescue Station 15 is Nearing Completion

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On August 5, 2023, a team of Sterling Park Safety Center, Sterling Volunteer Fire Company and Sterling Volunteer Rescue Squad members gathered to move in and arrange initial furniture and kitchen supplies for our new Station 11/15 in Sterling Park.  The new station is not quite ready, but moving these items in will help speed the process to become operational, after the contractor completes the final actions. Please stand by for more information on opening dates.

The new station features spacious bays for fire and rescue apparatuses, airy bunk rooms for crews and an outdoor terrace adjoining the kitchen and day room. There is also a training room, workout room and a conference room. The station has space for current operations and growth capacity for future changes in firefighting and rescue equipment and operations. To give a comparison of scale, the entire old station would fit in the bay area of the new station.

With all the new, the station recognizes the important history of volunteers supporting the Sterling Community. There is a wall in the bay, constructed of bricks from the old station, with the names of long-serving members who helped to make the organizations what they are today.

And….. there is a fire pole, so that crews can rapidly get from the quarters on the third floor to their trucks in the bay. See the photo below. Not to worry, there are also plenty of stairs and an elevator, so you won’t have to “take the pole” when you come to visit us.

The 3rd floor access to the fire pole in Station 11/15
The bay area in Station 11/15. There are 5 bays, with the 2 far bays being for the EMS units.
Bunk Room in Station 11/15
Initial Move In team on the 3d Floor Terrace of Station 11/15.

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