Exploring Sterling Volunteer Rescue Squad

Career Day at Lowe’s Island Elementary School

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On March 7, 2024 Sterling Volunteer Rescue Squad participated in Lowe’s Island Elementary School’s Career Day, interacting with over 250 Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade students and their teachers. Although the school has been holding Career Days for their older students for years, this was the first time for the younger students. It was a tremendous success. The staff and faculty expertly guided the students through eight displays from a variety of careers. Sterling Rescue provided one of our state-of-the-art Advanced Life Support ambulances and seven of our members. The students were excited to see our people and our equipment, proudly wearing the blue Rescue helmets they were provided. They toured the ambulance, saw how our power stretcher and stair chair operate, and took turns measuring their heart rate and percentage of oxygen in their blood by placing their finger in our pulse oximeter. They asked amazing questions– sharing their knowledge of ambulances and how we help people.

The students were an absolute joy. After his tour, one student remarked to his teacher “When I grow up, I want to help people.” It doesn’t get any better than that!

Are you grown up and want to help people? Want to join a great team and interact with the community? Sterling Volunteer Rescue Squad currently has openings for both operational and administrative volunteers. The operational volunteers serve as first responders, delivering emergency medical support to the community. The administrative volunteers perform a variety of support roles in areas such as recruiting, membership support, and business operations. No experience is required, and training is provided. See the Join section of this web site for more details on the requirements, expectations, and benefits. Come join us!

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