Exploring Sterling Volunteer Rescue Squad

Hosting a Stop on the National EMS Memorial Bike Ride

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In May, Sterling Rescue hosted a lunch and short ceremony along the path of the National EMS Memorial Bike Ride.

The National EMS Memorial Bike Ride, Inc. honors Emergency Medical Services personnel by organizing and implementing long distance cycling events that memorialize and celebrate the lives of those who serve everyday, those who have become sick or injured while performing their duties, and those who have died in the line of duty.

The riders stopped at the Sterling Park station to enjoy lunch and treats and a special ceremony was held to honor Firefighter Trevor Brown from Sterling Fire and Chaplain Charlie Grant.

Our antique ambulance, Sterling 2, led the riders back out on their journey.

We are proud to have been able to support this wonderful event. Find out more about it at https://nemsmbr.org/.

Want to be a part of Sterling Rescue and help out with fun and meaningful events like this one? Come and join us! https://sterlingrescue.org/join/



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