Exploring Sterling Volunteer Rescue Squad

Membership Awards

Sterling Patch

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Sterling Rescue would like to recognize the following members who have received awards from Loudoun County Fire Rescue for their actions in providing patient care. Since the COVID pandemic prevents us from gathering together for our monthly General Membership Meeting, we are presenting these awards in a virtual format.

Walking Heart Award: This award is presented to individuals who participated in the resuscitation of a cardiac arrest patient who in turn “walked” out of the hospital.

  • Capt. Al Pacifico
  • Lt. Sam Neglia
  • Lt. Michael Medwedeff
  • Benjamin Mills
  • John Truxell-Svenson
  • Imran Salek

Stork Award: This award is presented to members who aided in the home delivery of a baby.

  • Lt. Olivia McLaren
  • Imran Salek
  • Carlos Torres
  • Natalia Monsalve

Congratulations to all of our members on their outstanding patient care.

Articles by Year